
September 14, 2009

Automatic Search Engine Changes

There is a changes on automatic google search engine make some of SEO tools can't working, here is the one of message when I check using this tools. Still don't know when they can use again this tool and can be synchronize with google keyword possition check.

SEO Tools - Multiple Datacenter Keyword Position Check

Google is making some changes on how automated search results are handled, and it is causing some of our tools to not operate correctly. We apologize for any inconviences this has caused, and we are working on ways to make our tools functional again.

There are many different Google data centers. Each of these may respond with different results for the same search query. If you see results that vary from data center to data center, it means that Google is in the middle of updating its search index. This information can be helpful for SEOs who want to observe various individual active servers for search engine optimization purposes.

This tool also features an optional language/country selection option, which allows you to receive more specific results for your criteria.