o Set daily spending limits.
o Test ads to see what works.
o Get $50 in free advertising
If you open this advertising on Yahoo, there is an advertising like that one, but after click this promotion then no other valued information. Actually the main point is just in this view advertising page, but need more detail description.
Target customers, if we write something we must have customer target and if we want more effective of getting visitor we must follow this customer group then we will have visitor from that group.
Set daily spending limits.
If we want to promote something we must have a promotion budget, but we want other people to promote on our website, this is different goal.
The other rest is just for someone who want to promote their product on other website, but how to get advertiser on our website.
Target customers, if we write something we must have customer target and if we want more effective of getting visitor we must follow this customer group then we will have visitor from that group.
Set daily spending limits.
If we want to promote something we must have a promotion budget, but we want other people to promote on our website, this is different goal.
The other rest is just for someone who want to promote their product on other website, but how to get advertiser on our website.