Make money from internet is often make people create many idea, there are clean idea but also many people have bad idea, cheat people, lie, stolen money from people account through internet.
The below one is the example that I often received through email:
In our response to instruction from the Federal Government of Benin Republic, to release and pay all Foreign Contract funds to them, I Prof,Valentine c. Gozie The New Governor of Central Bank of Benin Republic inconjuction with the undersigned authorities on this day issue the release of your Contract part payment ofUS$6.5m (Six million, five hundredthousand United State dollars) by Certified Bank DRAFT
As a result of Terrorist Attack in America and its Global effect, the Federal Government of Benin Republic has directed that all foreign payment at this time that involved huge sums of money should be paid by DRAFT as measure to check Terrorist Account Operation.In line with this development, I have therefore signed your part payment DRAFT covering (US$6.5m ONLY ) has been issued in your favour to be drawn from your bank due to lack of enough foreign exchange in the country.
As a matter of urgency, you are hereby advise to contact THE NEW DIRECTOR Rev, Peter James of the International Remittance
Department of Central Bankof Benin Republic for the mailing of your Draft. Contact him on( and
forward your address where you would like the Draft to be sent including your
phone and fax numbers. Congratulations!
Yours faithfully,
Prof, Valentine c. Gozie .