
August 24, 2008

AdSense Background Code

How to customize your Adsense Background become same as your page background? To make your Adsense background same as your page back ground must using tools for this. To customize this background is easy if your page using a standard color like white (#FFFFFF), black (#000000), normal blue (#000FFF), normal Red (#FF0000), and normal yellow (#FFF000) or Grey (#C0C0C0).

The problem will come if your web or page is use a non standard background, because if different in just 1 symbol will result in different view. To overcome this problem some webmaster may using different tools for this purpose. I myself using Microsoft FrontPage applications.
Open your website, then open your FrontPage too. In normal view of FrontPage, write something like AAAA then block this letters. Then arrow in the Highlight toolbar in FrontPage, then click More Colors, then click Select. After click this symbol then go to your web and click this penlike cursor to the back ground color of your web or page which is Adsense code installed or will install.

In your FrontPage letter background will have the same color with your Page background color. To get background code, click HTML sheet like in excel and you will see HTML code. In the body part will expressed the background-color: #C0C0C0 so this is your code and then change your AdSense background color symbol with this code. Apply this tips and Good Luck.


  1. Good article. I will follow your tips soon.

  2. Nice tips, is always useful.


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